
Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

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Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

Domestic violence accusations can be stressful for everyone involved. While many domestic violence occurrences are reported, not all allegations have merit. If you face these charges, you need an attorney who understands the complexity and sensitivity of these situations.

At Demmery Law, PLLC, our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence defense lawyer has the necessary experience in these cases to protect your rights and reputation.

Top Rated Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

Understanding Domestic Violence Charges

Domestic violence accusations can be more common than you might realize. A charge can stem from various situations, some being seemingly minor altercations. In any case, accusations can be concerning because of the potentially devastating impact on the accused’s life. Domestic violence includes a variety of violent crimes that occur between family members or members of the same household.

Types of Domestic Violence Charges We Handle

At Demmery Law, PLLC, we handle a variety of domestic violence charges to ensure that we can support our clients in many ways. Despite our wide range of services, we maintain extensive knowledge in each area and can provide the support you need to achieve an optimal outcome. Some cases we handle include:

Domestic Battery

Domestic battery charges can be severe. Convictions can carry long-term consequences. In Florida, domestic battery is a common charge that encompasses many types of behaviors. Actions considered battery include intentional, undesired physical contact like hitting, kicking, shoving, offensive touching, and even threatening behavior to instill fear.

Aggravated Battery

Aggravated battery is more severe than its counterpart, non-aggravated battery. This charge carries significant penalties and occurs when certain elements, such as serious bodily injury, the use of a weapon, and a pregnant victim, are involved.

With these elevated charges, aggravated battery carries heavier consequences. The severity of penalties depends on the case details but can include:

  • Mandatory years in prison
  • Large fines
  • Long-term probation
  • Loss of civil liberties

Domestic Assault

Domestic assault is less severe than domestic battery, but it can still impact your life. This charge involves threatening or intimidating behavior. Examples of these actions are verbal threats, menacing gestures, or anything creating a situation of fear.

Consequences for domestic assault can be less life-altering since the charge does not involve physical violence, but the sentence you receive depends on your circumstances. Potential consequences may be months in jail accompanied by fines and probation.


Stalking is a more severe offense than many realize. These charges can detail patterns of unwanted and threatening behavior directed toward an individual. Examples can be:

  • Persistent phone calls, texts, or emails
  • Showing up uninvited to someone’s home or workplace
  • Monitoring their online activity

The severity of a stalking charge dictates the penalties. These consequences range from jail or prison time to hefty fines, probation, and restraining orders.

Additional Charges

Depending on the circumstances, you can face different or additional charges, like violations of restraining orders or child abuse. A court may add extra charges if you violate court-ordered terms or if the alleged victim is a minor.

It is crucial to remember that even if a charge seems minor, it can significantly affect your life. With potential jail time, fines, or damage to your reputation on the line, forgoing legal representation is unwise. Seeking legal counsel immediately after being charged is vital.

Examining Potential Consequences of a Conviction

Domestic violence charges, even if later proven false, can have devastating consequences. These charges can impact your life in numerous ways, both immediately and in the long term.

Potential Jail Time

The potential jail time for domestic violence charges varies depending on the specific offense. For example, a domestic battery conviction involving less severe allegations can carry a lesser maximum sentence than other offenses. However, when alleged batteries involve severe injuries to the victim, charges can elevate to a felony.

Financial Strain

Beyond potential jail time, domestic violence convictions can come with hefty fines. Fines can cost you your entire savings, adding a significant financial burden to your life. Court costs associated with legal proceedings can further compound your monetary strain. Financial burdens can often lead to more significant problems when individuals cannot pay their rent, utilities, groceries, and other costs.

Additionally, when individuals lose their jobs due to incarceration, it can be difficult to ever reach financial stability again. Long after a case is finalized, you may feel the effects of your conviction, such as a credit score impact and an inability to secure financing.

Loss of Rights

Domestic violence convictions can revoke some of your rights, like the right to own a firearm. For many people, being unable to engage in firearm-related activities and professional pursuits can significantly impact their quality of life. Hobbies and recreational activities like hunting, target shooting, and competitive shooting sports can be inaccessible.

The impact on your life extends past leisure activities. It can also limit your ability to exercise your Second Amendment right to defend yourself. Certain professions, like police organizations or security guard companies, require employees to carry a firearm.

Employment and Housing Difficulties

In the job market, background checks are standard for employers and landlords. Even if a court dismisses your case, your domestic violence charges or arrest might still show up on your background check, causing long-lasting issues.

Employers and landlords can prioritize perceptions of safety and stability for their employees and tenants. People with criminal backgrounds can raise concerns, especially if they have a history of violent offenses. Even if charges were unfounded, accused individuals can find their employment or housing situations more complicated. Frequent requirements to give explanations or submit references to address past charges can become a nuisance.

Child Custody or Visitation Effects

Child custody or visitation arrangements can be delicate. Domestic violence convictions can drastically affect custody orders. In these cases, courts typically prioritize the safety and well-being of the child. This can mean restrictions on your ability to spend time with your children, like supervised visitations or visitation denials.

In the most severe cases, courts may award sole custody to the other parent. This heartbreaking outcome can sever your child’s day-to-day routine and connections with you. Eventually, it can be challenging to maintain a solid parental bond, significantly impacting your child’s relationship with you.

Why You Need Legal Counsel in Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence charges, even if ultimately unfounded, can leave strong impacts on defendants’ lives. A skilled domestic violence defense attorney can be your strongest advocate for minimizing these effects.

A Fort Lauderdale domestic violence defense attorney can explore options like plea deals, pre-trial diversion programs, and charge dismissal. Their priority is protecting your rights, freedom, and quality of life. Additionally, our team can provide other benefits, such as:

  • Analyzing Your Case: Your attorney can examine the details of your case, including the alleged offense, the circumstances of the arrest, and possible mitigating factors. A thorough analysis can allow them to identify optimal defenses for a strong case.
  • Advocating for Your Rights: Our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence attorney can become your voice throughout the legal process. They can be your most prominent advocate while protecting your rights at every stage. When communicating with the prosecution, representing you in court, or negotiating on your behalf, we can fight for your future and your interests.
  • Guidance in the Legal System: The legal system can be complex, especially for people accused of domestic violence. The severe charges you can face will require clear guidance to seek positive results. Our team can guide you through the system, explaining every success and hiccup.

Choosing Demmery Law, PLLC, for Your Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Case

At Demmery Law, PLLC, we understand the turmoil often accompanying domestic violence accusations. Our team commits itself to providing thorough legal representation. We uphold the highest standards of integrity while leveraging our years of experience in handling cases like yours. Choosing our team means you have the resources necessary to fight your charges.

Providing Compassionate Support

Recognizing the toll these accusations can take is only part of our battle as domestic violence defense for our clients. The standards we measure ourselves by include a commitment to compassionate support. We understand the sensitive nature of these cases and the importance of maintaining a confidential environment for our clients.

We can treat you respectfully and seek to understand your circumstances and concerns. Our team strives to listen to you and take you seriously during this challenging time. We can be your biggest supporters.

Experience and Knowledge

The seasoned Demmery Law, PLLC, team leverages our significant experience in handling domestic violence cases. Our knowledge of Florida’s intricate laws, procedures, and precedents can be invaluable in your case. With this in-depth understanding of the system, we can analyze your allegations and the inciting incident to determine the correct route forward.

Whether your case requires us to challenge the validity of the evidence or craft a strategy based on self-defense or mistaken identity, we know what it takes to fight your charges.

Contact Our Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Attorney

Domestic violence accusations can have a tremendous impact on your life. Not seeking legal counsel quickly can lead to an unsuccessful case and devastating penalties. Contact Demmery Law, PLLC, today to schedule a consultation.

We can provide you with the judgment-free environment you need to speak about your situation. Our team can answer your questions, explain your options, and ensure you’re aware of your rights.

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300 SE 2nd Street, Suite 600
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301