
Fort Lauderdale Aggravated Battery Lawyer

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Fort Lauderdale Aggravated Battery Attorney

Aggravated battery is one of the most severe charges you can receive in Florida. At Demmery Law, PLLC, we understand the emotional toll these accusations have on you, and we’re ready to help. If you’re facing these charges, you can benefit from contacting our Fort Lauderdale aggravated battery lawyer.

Like many criminal charges, aggravated battery accusations can impact your freedom, finances, and future. Facing the court alone in an aggravated battery case can be terrifying, and it can be incredibly difficult to secure a favorable outcome without a talented attorney’s help. You should not approach a case like this alone.

Fort Lauderdale Aggravated Battery Lawyer

Understanding Aggravated Battery Charges in Fort Lauderdale

Aggravated battery is different from other types of battery in Florida. While simple battery charges involve intentional physical contact without serious injury, aggravated battery often includes deadly weapons or permanent or long-standing injuries.

Simple battery can include shoving someone during a heated argument. A court could see this action as harmful but unlikely to cause intentional, severe harm. Conversely, punching someone in the face and breaking their jaw would likely be aggravated battery.

Although simple battery charges apply to some cases, these charges can elevate to aggravated battery if law enforcement discovers the accused:

  • Used a deadly weapon
  • Caused permanent disability, disfigurement, or severe bodily harm
  • Hurt a pregnant woman whom they knew or should have known was pregnant

Potential Consequences of Aggravated Battery

Underestimating the potential consequences of an aggravated battery charge can be a grave mistake. These are felony charges and can carry life-altering penalties, like prison time, substantial fines, court costs, employment difficulties, housing issues, and reputational damage.

Facing these possibilities can be overwhelming. You could be unsure of where to turn and what to do, especially when you believe someone falsely accused you. The pressure and evidence against you can feel insurmountable, but you have options.

Resigning to a guilty verdict is unnecessary. Know that Demmery Law, PLLC, is here to fight for you whether you are dealing with gun charges or other criminal offenses, Our criminal defense lawyer protect your rights, and minimize the impact of your charges on your life.

What Is the Sentence for Aggravated Battery in Florida?

The sentence for aggravated battery in Florida depends on the circumstances of the case, as each case has unique details that determine appropriate consequences. Aggravated battery is a second-degree felony with the possibility of lengthy prison time. Many factors influence the sentence someone receives, including:

  • The severity of the victim’s injuries
  • The usage of a weapon
  • Any prior criminal history
  • The possible vulnerability of the victim.

If any of the above factors were present, the court typically increases the severity of the individual’s sentence.

Can You Get Probation for Aggravated Battery in Florida?

Probation could be possible for aggravated battery in Florida, and a skilled attorney can seek probationary sentencing over prison time. Extenuating factors can influence the availability of probation over jail or prison time. Still, our Fort Lauderdale aggravated battery attorney has experience advocating for reduced sentences for our clients.

Can You Be Sued for Battery in Florida?

You could be sued for battery in Florida, but this type of case is separate from criminal charges. If someone sues you for aggravated battery, they will attempt to recover compensation for damages from the battery incident instead of punishing you through criminal procedure. Typical compensation an individual can seek to recover includes:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering

The Right Lawyer for Your Fort Lauderdale Aggravated Battery Case

Deciding on the right lawyer for your Fort Lauderdale aggravated battery case can be complex. The first step is understanding the traits of a strong attorney, but parsing through your options can leave you more stressed than when you started. You won’t have to look further than Demmery Law, PLLC.

With us, you gain a committed team that seeks to provide our clients with the highest-quality legal representation. We have years of experience handling domestic violence and violent crime cases in Fort Lauderdale.

We understand Florida law and can guide you through the intricacies of procedures while using our knowledge to your advantage. Choosing Demmery Law, PLLC, means you receive:

  • Experience: Our team has successfully defended clients against aggravated battery charges. We know what it takes to navigate the complex legal system and achieve your desired outcomes.
  • Knowledge: We are well-versed in the nuances of Florida aggravated battery laws. Our knowledge in this field ensures we can provide accurate and up-to-date legal advice for your situation.
  • Resources: In every case, we do not shy away from exhausting our resources. We can gather statements from anyone relevant to the case, analyze police reports to identify errors, and consult with professional witnesses to garner testimony to support your defense.
  • Communication: Legal charges can be overwhelming, especially when you do not understand the status of your case. We commit to keeping you informed throughout your process. From beginning to end, you can know your options, have answers to your questions, and ensure we address your concerns.
  • Advocacy: Our job is to protect your innocence and fight for your rights. Everyone deserves a solid legal defense, so we fight aggressively for our clients. Our advocacy for you extends across all strategies we can use to seek an acquittal, dismissal of the charges, or reduced sentencing.

Our Process of Fighting Your Criminal Charges

Understanding the complexities of the criminal justice system is not enough to garner successful results. While aggravated battery charges can seem impossible to overcome, they are not. Our defense services can combat any accusation and help you achieve the optimal outcome. While every case is unique, our experience can help guide us to the correct path for your circumstances.

Initial Consultation

Informed decisions can make or break a criminal case, especially one surrounding accusations of bodily harm. With an initial consultation, you have a compassionate space to explain your side of the story, and we have the opportunity to determine how we can help you. These case briefings are crucial for later success.

While you speak confidentially with us, we can gather the necessary information to move forward. It’s important to be honest with your lawyer so they can craft the most appropriate defense. After you leave your consultation, you’ll have your questions answered and a strong grasp of the charges you face. Next, we can investigate your case to develop a personalized defense strategy.

Case Investigation

After the consultation, we can begin our case investigation. Gathering the necessary information, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing documentation can take some time. This period is essential for obtaining what we need to craft your defense strategy.

In this stage, we can find potential witness biases, look into the details of your arrest, and examine the alleged injuries. You can be confident in knowing that we work diligently for your cause.

Identifying Defenses

There are several defenses for aggravated battery cases, and our goal is to find the one that suits your circumstances. Exploring all viable options can be worth the wait as we identify the correct fit for your story.

Some common defenses include self-defense, mistaken identity, or lack of intent. Determining the proper strategy for you requires understanding every facet of your case and knowing how to seek your desired outcome.

Prosecutor Negotiation

While many people find it challenging to understand the benefits of negotiating with prosecutors, doing so can make a significant difference in your case. When negotiation is available, it is a valuable tool that may work in your favor. If we cannot agree on a favorable deal, or if you would like to go to trial, we may need to pivot.

In some cases, the only viable option is litigation. While we can argue fiercely for your innocence in court, trials are usually costly and present the possibility for less-than-ideal outcomes. When necessary, we can help you understand our options for negotiation.

During some negotiations, our goal can vary widely. Sometimes, charge dismissal is available if you plead to lesser charges. Other times, we can seek pre-trial diversion programs to remove your case from the legal system, allowing you to clear your name and get any help you need. Exhausting all options to achieve your desired outcome can take time, but we’re happy to take any steps necessary to protect your interests.


If negotiations are impossible, unfavorable, or not the correct option, you can be confident in our ability to represent you well in the courtroom. Having our experienced legal team with you is invaluable.

We fight for you and your right to the assumption of innocence. We can present a strong defense to introduce reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury, preventing a guilty verdict. Our team can ensure you feel aggressively represented and protected throughout the litigation process.

Do Not Face Aggravated Battery Charges Alone

Facing aggravated battery charges can be frightening, but these cases are even worse when defendants try to navigate them alone. At Demmery Law, PLLC, we can provide you with solid advocacy throughout your process and protect your rights.

Our compassionate legal representation means we can hear your side of the story and aggressively pursue your interests. Contact our Fort Lauderdale aggravated battery lawyer today to learn how we can help you.

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300 SE 2nd Street, Suite 600
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301