
Fort Lauderdale Drug Crime Lawyer

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Fort Lauderdale Drug Crime Attorney

The most frightening part of facing a drug crime charge can be the unpredictable nature of the possible sentence. The potential consequences of a conviction can be life-altering and have a severe impact on your freedom, finances, and future opportunities.

Therefore, seeking legal help is vital. If an officer arrests you, a Fort Lauderdale drug crimes lawyer from Demmery Law, PLLC, can fight for your rights. You are not alone when you work with our team.

Fort Lauderdale Drug Crime Lawyer

Drug Crime Charges in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Drug crime convictions in Fort Lauderdale are serious. Having a drug offense on your record carries severe legal and personal repercussions. It’s vital to have an experienced criminal defense lawyer to help protect your rights and guide you through the legal process. Depending on the type of drug and the quantity involved in the crime, you can face a wide range of penalties, such as:

  • Potential jail or prison time. Depending on your case specifics, you can face lengthy jail or prison time, especially if you receive a felony conviction.
  • Significant fines and court costs. The legal system can add substantial fines to other penalties. These debilitating fines can place an immense financial burden on you and your loved ones.
  • Employment difficulties. A criminal record can make it challenging to find employment, no matter the offense. Many employers conduct background checks and view convictions as a red flag. Employers could quickly disregard the applicant’s qualifications when they see drug crimes on a record.
  • Tarnished reputation. Drug charges can damage your reputation. Social stigma can affect your relationship with your family, friends, and community. Often, a loss of social status can affect defendants more than they might expect.

Types of Drug Crimes We Handle

Serious consequences can come with drug crime convictions, making a lawyer’s help crucial. At Demmery Law, PLLC, we understand that Florida drug laws can be complex. Our comprehensive approach can provide robust representation for individuals who face a variety of drug offenses.

  • Possession of Controlled Substances. Penalties for drug possession can vary widely depending on the drug type and amount. We can help you regardless of what controlled substance an officer alleges you possessed.

Possession of some drugs can carry increasing penalties as quantities rise, eventually becoming a felony charge. Possessing other drugs can be a felony immediately due to their addictive nature and overdose risk.

  • Prescription Drug Offenses. Illegally obtaining prescription drugs can result in significant criminal charges. We know how to fight these accusations. Whether law enforcement accuses you of doctor shopping, forgery, or selling or distributing without a prescription, we can investigate your case and advocate for your rights. The severity of prescription drug offenses can range from misdemeanors to felonies.
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Having items commonly associated with illegal drug use, like pipes, syringes, scales, rolling papers, or grinders, can lead to criminal charges, even if officers do not find drugs on your property. While not always a felony, law enforcement can attempt to use these drug paraphernalia charges as evidence for more heinous offenses like possession with intent to distribute.
  • Drug trafficking encompasses selling, transporting, or manufacturing a certain amount of illegal drugs. These crimes carry life-altering penalties in Florida. Convictions can lead to decades-long prison sentences. When accused of dealing with large quantities of more dangerous drugs, your sentence can contain the harshest penalties.

What Are Misdemeanor Charges vs. Felony Charges?

The main difference between misdemeanor and felony charges is that felonies carry much harsher penalties. The specific classification of your charge will depend on many factors, including:

  • The type of drug. Some drugs are considered worse than others. For example, law enforcement discovering marijuana on your person may result in different sentences than if they found you in possession of fentanyl.
  • The quantity of the drug. The specific drug type matters, but the amount can also play a massive part in determining whether the charge is a misdemeanor or felony. Possession of a small amount of one drug can be a misdemeanor, while a large amount of others can have a more significant legal impact.
  • Intent to sell or distribute. An officer attempting to charge you with drug possession can increase the severity of the charges if they discover evidence of intent to sell or distribute. Typical evidence may be packaging materials, scales, or large amounts of cash.
  • Location of the offense. Possessing drugs near certain places can upgrade a charge to a felony. Determining locations can be schools, a community center, or a childcare center. The location of your offense can lead to harsher penalties and sentencing.

What Is Third-Degree Felony Drug Possession in Fort Lauderdale, Florida?

Third-degree felony drug possession occurs when law enforcement alleges you possessed specific quantities of controlled substances. Florida bases drug possession charges on the amount and type of controlled substance involved. Certain amounts of many types of drugs can warrant a third-degree felony drug possession charge.

Penalties for this charge can include time in prison, hefty fines, and driver’s license suspensions. It can also have an effect on your employment opportunities, housing options, and professional licenses.

How Much Does a Criminal Lawyer Cost in Florida?

The cost of a criminal lawyer in Florida can vary widely depending on the case’s complexity, amongst other factors. While legal fees can be a concern for many people, it is crucial to acknowledge the investment necessary to secure your desired future. The potential consequences of a drug crime conviction can be so severe that many people never recover from the penalties.

At Demmery Law, PLLC, we understand the burden a legal case can create. We can discuss your case during our initial consultation and explain how our fees work. Our goal is to work to represent your interests. We can ensure there are no unnecessary costs attributed to your case.

However, it is most important to recognize the connection between experienced legal representation and cost. When you hire us, you receive:

  • In-Depth Knowledge of Florida Drug Laws. Our team has a deep understanding of Florida’s complex legal system. We know the nuances and loopholes crucial to building the most robust defense for your case. With our knowledge, we can easily handle unexpected obstacles in the justice system, leaving time to seek the most favorable outcome.
  • A Proven Track Record of Success. We have experience in Fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas. We leverage our experience with various drug crime cases to develop defense plans tailored to your situation.
  • Skilled Negotiation and Litigation. You need a legal team that can advocate on your behalf. Many prosecutors seek the maximum penalties for drug crimes, and having legal representation to negotiate against this can be invaluable. If your case goes to trial, we have the track record necessary to represent you aggressively.
  • Mitigated Long-Term Consequences. Our priority is minimizing the long-term consequences of your charges. Even if you’re convicted, we can seek sentencing that affects your life as little as possible.

Do First-Time Drug Offenders Go to Jail in Fort Lauderdale?

While drug charges can be scary, it is essential to know that not all first-time drug offenders go to jail in Fort Lauderdale. In some cases, Florida courts may offer pre-trial diversion programs to provide an alternative to criminal convictions and long-term consequences.

Pre-trial diversion programs can offer first-time offenders an option to avoid the traditional court process by completing a court-ordered program, possibly involving drug rehabilitation, educational courses, or community service.

Regular attendance, successful completion of program goals, and maintaining a clean record throughout the process can be essential to obtaining benefits from pre-trial diversion programs.

The Benefits of Pre-Trial Diversion Programs

The most significant benefit of these programs is avoiding substantial jail time. Maintaining your freedom can be essential to putting drug crime charges behind you. Additional benefits can include clearing your record and addressing any possible underlying issues in your life. Many people see an increase in their quality of life after receiving valuable support and resources.

Determining Eligibility for Alternative Programs

Our team can analyze your case to determine your eligibility for a diversion program. While these alternatives can be helpful, only some individuals meet the requirements. If you are eligible, we can provide clear guidance to help you succeed.

Consider Demmery Law Your One Stop Assistant for Drug Charges in Fort Lauderdale

Drug crime charges can be overwhelming, but you shouldn’t have to face them without an attorney on your side. Demmery Law, PLLC, is here to help you through Florida’s legal system.

Whether you’re dealing with drug charges, firearm or gun crimes, or a DUI charges, our Ft. Lauderdale team can guide you through the system’s complexities and seek the most favorable outcome possible. We can explore all legal options available to you.

We can also help you identify any pre-trial intervention options that may be available to you, like seeking drug treatment counseling to avoid prison time, connecting you with reputable rehabilitation centers and more.

Scheduling a consultation with us means finding someone who can understand your story. We can answer your questions, explain your options, and chart a path toward a successful defense.

Waiting to take action can be detrimental to your case. The sooner you secure legal representation, the sooner we can work on developing a strong legal strategy. Contact our talented criminal defense attorney today to discuss your case.

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300 SE 2nd Street, Suite 600
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301