Being accused of a crime or charged with one can be incredibly frightening. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, you may be feeling isolated, scared, and out of options. Demmery Law is here to help you through this challenging time.
Every American has the right to legal counsel when they are facing potential legal action, and it is vital that you exercise that right and hire an experienced Pompano Beach criminal defense lawyer. Depending on the charges against you, the penalties could be devastating. A good lawyer will be able to mount a strong defense on your behalf.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are in need of a Pompano Beach criminal defense lawyer, you may be on the verge of catastrophic damage to your life, reputation, and freedom. Whether you’re facing charges related to DUI and drug crimes, theft, assault, or other offense, it is important that you take the proper steps to protect yourself by retaining the services of an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Otherwise, you risk a criminal conviction.
An experienced criminal defense lawyer does not take into account your guilt or innocence. It does not matter to them whether or not you have committed the crime that you are being charged with. Their primary job is to provide you with a strong, well-planned defense strategy and handle your case as effectively as they possibly can. Depending on your case, they can help you secure bail or even work out a sentencing agreement with the prosecutor.
Your criminal defense attorney in Pompano Beach, FL will dedicate their time to fighting your case, be totally honest with you about your chances, and do what it takes to advocate for you in court. Here are some important ways that a criminal defense attorney can help you:
A: Fees for a good lawyer in Florida can vary depending on the circumstances of your case. Every lawyer will charge a different amount for their services that take into account their experience, education, resources, availability, and the difficulty of your case. You and your lawyer will agree on a fee prior to hiring them. A good lawyer may be expensive, but they will be able to utilize their skills to provide you with a solid, strong defense.
A: The main difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is the harshness of the penalties. Misdemeanors are considered lesser offenses and often result in lesser sentences. Felonies are much more major crimes and often result in significant penalties. You may think misdemeanors are not serious because the penalties aren’t as severe as a felony. However, they still result in a criminal conviction that will stay on your record for some time.
A: Technically, you are not legally required to hire a criminal defense lawyer for your case. It is perfectly acceptable for you to refuse legal counsel and try to handle things on your own. This can often result in severe consequences for you, which is why it is always recommended that you hire a lawyer anyway. After all, having someone in your corner who understands the complexities of the law and can provide you with assistance can only help in the long run.
A: The length of time a criminal case can stay open in Florida depends largely on the crime in question. For capital felonies such as murder, there is no statute of limitations. Those cases can stay open as long as they need. For other first-degree felonies, the statute of limitations is four years. For second and third-degree felonies, it’s three years. That’s how long the police have to press charges against you.
Facing criminal charges can be daunting. It is vital that you reach out and speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can establish a strong defense strategy and fight the charges against you. Without a skilled attorney on your side, you may be caught off guard by various moments during your case. Your lawyer will be prepared.
The legal team at Demmery Law, PLLC, knows the most effective way to help you challenge your potential conviction. We can help you build your defense strategy, gather the available evidence, and ensure that your interests are protected throughout your case. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.